iPhone Games


How do I install the widget?

  • Installing the widget.
    Download the Bluetooth Texter widget then double-click on the archive to extract the widget. Double-click on the widget to install it into your ~/Library/Widgets folder.
  • Make sure you have a paired mobile phone.
    To pair your mobile phone with your computer make sure that your phone is in "Bluetooth Discoverable" mode and then open System Preferences and go to the Bluetooth Preferences pane. Click on and follow the prompts to pair your phone.

How do I report a phone or give other feedback?

To give any feedback about the widget please use the feedback form. Please don't send a report directly to addresses listed on this website address, from 24 June 2007 you will no longer get a response.

We are receiving quite a bit of feedback and it will take us some time to reply to your feedback!

Is my phone compatible with the widget?

We have changed the service we use to connect to phones. We now use the Dial-up Networking service instead of the Serial Port service which will make the widget compatible with a lot more phones.
Two phones we have tested to work well with this new version are the Motorola v3x (Three Australia) and the Palm Treo 680 (Unlocked GSM). We expect that the next FAQ item will change quite a bit over the next few weeks.

Note: Phone compatibility seems to be almost random, a number of phones will work on one network but not with another network. In some cases a phone works for one person on a particular network, but not for another.

Known Compatible phones:
  • Siemens S55
  • Sharp GX29 (possible initial failure)
  • Sony-Ericsson K700
  • NEC 500i (Bouygues France)
  • Nokia 6233 (1 report of incompatibility)
    6265 CDMA (network not reported)
  • Motorola v3x (Three Australia)
  • Palm Treo 680 (Palm OS, unlocked GSM, Telstra)
The following phones work in some cases:
  • Nokia 6288 3G/GSM
    6680 (T-Mobile),
    N95 (STC Saudi Telecom [bug: sends to Sony but not to self, SMS format not supported]),
  • LG Chocolate/White Chocolate,
    VX8300 (Verizon Wireless)
  • Sony-Ericsson K750 (reported on Vodafone UK),
    W800 (reported to work on Telstra network)
Known Incompatible phones:
  • Apple iPhone
  • Samsung - none seem to be compatible.
  • Motorola A835, V600, L6, U6 PEBL,
    K1 (Orange country unknown, AT&T, Fastweb IT), RAZR (on Verizon)
  • Palm Treo (650, probably 700, 750 also)
  • Sony-Ericsson W810i, W900i, P900i, P990i, K800i, V800i,
    V600i (France Telecom Orange), T610 (T-Mobile), P800 (Digi),
    K750i (Rogers CA, T-Mobile UK, O2), K800i (O2, Globe PH),
    K880i (Tele2), W850i (3 HK)
    K700 (T-Mobile, O2 [bug: it woks with Address Book SMS], Telcel),
    W810 (Telcel), Z520i (NRJ ORange FR), Z520a (CellularONE)
  • Nokia N95, N70, E50, E65, K610i, 6230, 6280, 6630, 6680, N73,
    5200 (1 report) 6131 (Virgin AU, Orange FR),
    6600 (Vodafone, Italy),
    n73 (Smart PH), 6131 orange france (e11 cannot find required phone) 1.4 6620 (Cingular AT&T), 1110 (MTN), 8800 (O2), 6822 (Megafon RU) 3110classic (Du U.A.E), 6230i (T-Mobile)
  • Blackberry 7290 (no DUN), Probably all models.
  • Windows Mobile (probably all)
  • LG K800, vx8300, Fusic, 8100,
    VX9800 (Verizon)
  • Qtek 8300

Does the widget work with the iPhone?

No, there will be no support for the Apple iPhone. The iPhone does not have the Bluetooth connection services required for the widget to work. The iPhone only supports audio profiles.

Here are some links regarding the iPhone and Bluetooth:
iPhone's Bluetooth is dumb, purposely crippled or both? (www.myitablet.com)
iPhone Bluetooth Does Nothing But Calls (www.gizmodo.com)
Bluetooth on iPhone? (www.macosxhints.com)

So, no more iPhone questions, ok? :)

What do all the buttons and drop downs mean?

The widget's interface has gotten a little messy over time with the extra drop-downs and features. We will redesign the interface in a while, but for now the images below should explain the function of all the interface elements!

The front of the widget

Diagram of all the buttons and fields on the front of the widget.

The back of the widget

Diagram of all the buttons and selectors on the back of the widget.

Detail of stored messages area.

Diagram of stored message area on back of the widget.

How can I get news of updates?

If you are using v1.3 or higher then you can flip the widget and click the "Updates?" button to check for new versions.

If you are using v1.2 or earlier (no "Update?" button) then please download the latest version.

Can I sort the list of names and numbers?

Yes, you can use the "Sort..." dropdown on the back of the widget to choose your sorting method.

How do I select the alternate connection method?

You can use the DUN/SPP drop-down to select your connection method.

Who pays for the message sent?

You do, through your normal phone contract with your provider. The widget uses your phone (not an internet service) to send the message.

How long before I get a response to an email?

We've had quite a few emails and cannot answer every one of them. All feedback will be read and any answers will usually take a "few" days... The best way to send feedback if to use the feedback form.

What the bleep do those error messages mean?

Our error messages have been improved from version 1.3, there are still some to output and explain. The majority are described beloww:

  • Done!

  • E1 - Send timed out.
    The sending process took too long. Most likely the phone didn't understand the commands. If after trying again a couple of times you still see this message then th ewidget will not work with your phone.
  • E2 - Wrong minor class.
    Your phone's minor device class does not include "Cellular" or "SmartPhone", on eof these is required for the widget to work with your phone.
  • E3 - Wrong major class.
    Your phone's major device class needs to include "Phone" for it to be compatible with the widget.
  • E4 - Wrong service class.
    Your phone's service class needs to include "Telephony" for it to be compatible with the widget.
  • E5 - No paired phones.
    The widget can't find any paired phones on send, no phones have been paired with your Mac.
  • E7 - No RFCOMM channel.
    The widget cannot open a Bluetooth RFCOMM channel to your phone. The widget may not be compatible with your phone.
  • E8 - No RFCOMM channel ID for DUN/SPP.
    There is no RFCOMM channel ID for the service you are trying to use. If you are using DUN then switch to SPP (or vice-versa) and try again.
  • E9 - No DUN/SPP service record.
    The widget cannot find a service record for the service you are trying to use. If you are using DUN then switch to SPP (or vice-versa) and try again.
  • E10 - Cannot connect.
    The widget is simply unable to connect, try again.
  • E11 - Cannot find the required phone.
    The widget cannot find the phone selected on the back of the widget.
  • Must pass address, number and message...
    This means that the widget has not passed all required parameters to the sending code. This could mean you have not selected a phone, the text message is empty or no number was entered. Please let us know if this is not the case. Try again, making sure that all items have been entered or selected.
  • Send method (param 1) is incorrect: ...
    This means that the send method (SPP, DUN) paramter sent to the sending code is incorrect. Please let us know which method you selected when you saw this error. Try again.
  • E-3 - Error index wrong! (...)
    When you see this error it means that the widget plugin code is returning an error code that is not defined. Please let us know when you see this and include the number in the parenthesis in your feedback comment.
    • If you see no erro message and your message has not been sent please let us know.

Where does the widget save the saved messages and last used numbers?

The widget saves it's saved messages and last used numbers to a preferences file named widget-com.happymakinggames.widget.bluetoothtexter.plist to your user's ~/Library/Preferences folder.

How can I remove a saved message on the back of the widget?

To delete a message saved on the back you can save an empty message or another new message over the one you would like to delete. Alternatively you can edit the preferences file (~/Library/Preferences/widget-com.happymakinggames.widget.bluetoothtexter.plist) using the Property List Editor application from your developer tools folder.

Where do the names and numbers come from?

The names and numbers in the front-face selection drop list come from the Apple Address Book application.

I have trouble using the widget with my phone...

Please use the feedback form and tell us the brand and model of your phone so we can investigate.

How can I remove the widget?

To remove the widget you simply delete it! The widget can be found in your user's ~/Library/Widgets folder, just drag it to the trash.
You can do the same with the preferences file. The preferences file is called widget-com.happymakinggames.widget.bluetoothtexter.plist and is in your user's ~/Library/Preferences folder.

What do and mean?

Version 1.2 only! Sorting of names & numbers is enabled from v1.2
You can choose sorting on lastname or firstname on the back of the widget. The icon indicates sorting on Lastname, click this and it will change to which indicates sorting on firstname. This is a toggle switch.

What do and mean?

Version 1.2 only! In v1.2 there are two methods for sending the SMS through your phone.
The default method is indicated on the back of the widget by When you click on this icon it will change to and the alternate method will be used. This is a toggle switch.

Where can I download the latest version?

You can download the latest version below. The latest version of the Bluetooth Texter widget will always be available here, at the bottom of the FAQ.

Disclaimer: This software is available for anyone to download and use. No warranty regarding quality or bugs is offered. Use at your own risk, no responsibility taken for any damage caused to your system(s).

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