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Bluetooth Texter


Activate dashboard, type message, select number and send!
That is what the Bluetooth Texter widget allows you to do, with your own phone.

  Download the Bluetooth Texter widget More information...
NetNewsWire and Yojimbo Applescripts


Several AppleScripts that allow saving of a feed's (or all feeds) unread items into webarchives stored within Yojimbo or opened up in your default browser for NetNewsWire links.

  Download NetNewsWire to Yojimbo applescripts More information...
Image Colour Metadata (v1.0)


An action for Automator that extracts some color information form passed-in images and adds Spotlight comments to those images.

  Download Image Color Metadata (v1.0) More information...

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Disclaimer: This software is available for anyone to download and use. No warranty regarding quality or bugs is offered. Use at your own risk, no responsibility taken for any damage caused to your system(s).

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