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NetNewsWire and Yojimbo AppleScripts

  Download NetNewsWire & Yojimbo applescripts

What are these scripts for?

Several AppleScripts that allow saving of a feed's (or all feeds) unread items into webarchives stored within Yojimbo or opened up in your default browser for NetNewsWire links.


For a long time I've wanted a program that would download all my news in the morning for later reading. I couldn't find anything to do it for me aside from 2 scripts that did some of it. Add selected NetNewsWire headlines to Yojimbo, which takes selected items to webarchives in Yojimbo, and NetNewsWire script: Open unread items in OmniWeb, which opens everything up in OmniWeb.

I wanted a single automatic way of getting all unread items into one of my free browsers (I don't feel like paying $30US for the very nice per page settings in OmniWeb) or into Yojimbo. Open NetNewsWire in the morning, refresh all, run script, do "morning things", and all pages should have downloaded.


  1. Unarchive the downloaded archive.
  2. Open the NewtNewsWire scripts folder by selecting "Open Scripts Folder" from he scripts menu (next to Help).
  3. Drag the scripts files from the unarchived folder into the NetNewsWire scripts folder.
Image showing the menu in NetNewsWire showing scripts and folder link.

What do the scripts do?

Each of the 4 scripts have a slightly different function:

  • Open all unread items in web browser
    Open all unread items from all feeds into new tabs in your default browser or NetNewsWire.

  • Open feed's unread items in web browser
    Open all unread items from the selected feed into new tabs in your default browser or NetNewsWire.
  • Save all unread items to Yojimbo as webarchives
    Open all unread items from all feeds into webarchives stored in Yojimbo.
  • Save feed's unread items to Yojimbo as webarchives
    Open all unread items from the selected feed into webarchives stored in Yojimbo.
Image showing the large number of items warning dialog.
Each script will warn you if there are more then 50 items to be opened
since this may cause slow downs and spinning beachballs...

Image showing the mark items as read dialog.
...and will ask you if you want the items to be marked as read...

Image showing the finished dialog.
...and tell you it has finished.

Saving an item's linked page as a webarchive in Yojimbo does not always work. Some websites, especially Wired and Engadget, will save as empty archives. This is a bug in webKit not in the script (see this Yojimbo list post). The Yojimbo webarchive scripts pause a second after each save, this seems to have cleared up the problem for some sites.

  Download NetNewsWire & Yojimbo applescripts

If you're interested in the AppleScript source code then download the following source archive instead. The scripts will run just the same but are viewable in Script Editor in /Applications/AppleScript/ The scripts are uncompiled, so have a look and modify if you need to!

  Download NetNewsWire & Yojimbo applescripts

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Disclaimer: This software is available for anyone to download and use. No warranty regarding quality or bugs is offered. Use at your own risk, no responsibility taken for any damage caused to your system(s).

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