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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Sunday: Xcode & porting GLUT apps.

2 May 2004

I decided to use Omnigraffle's update feature. Boy was that a mistake. It upgraded itself to a newer version that wasn't free! I could not believe that happened. The upgraded version only allows you to edit up to 20 items per document, making the application useless! I tried to go back to the old pre-installed version. I inserted the Apple Software Restore DVD and tried to perform an application restore.

Application restore seems to create a whole lot of disk images on the desktop. The first time I used restore it crashed, the second time it also crashed, resulting in a Finder "Relaunch" after which the disk images appeared on my desktop. I then successfully restored the Omnigraffle application, but was left with a group of disk images and a DVD that I could not eject! I tried everything, right-clicking on items to eject them, pressing the keyboard's eject button repeatedly, nothing worked. I even looked at umount, but not being an expert with this tool I made no progress there either. In desperation I switched the computer off and held the mouse button to force ejcet the disc on boot-up. This was a hint I found online which did not work. I did not want to reboot the machine with a Software Restore disc in the drive. I had no idea what would happen: would it just try to restore the machine? When it did boot I as able to press the keyboard's eject button to eject the DVD and no machine restoration took place.

I did finish the port of my old and simple GLUT application from Windows to MacOSX today.

I decided to make a copy of the included GLUT demo project and hacked the copy to bits, replacing what was there with my own code. I built the application, ran it, and it crashed. It crashed because I neglected to copy the textures to the directory where the application was being built. After copying the required textures, the program ran like a dream and was very fast, much faster than on my Thinkpad A31 and about the same as my Thinkpad T40p.

Screenshot of the old and simple GLUT app.

While porting I decided to use the Apple+/ key combination to comment a large section of code, more than 500 lines, and the spinning beach ball appeared. After waiting for a while I Force Quit Xcode and restarted it.

I am not sure why I could not get my application running with my own project created from scratch, but I am sure this has to do with using the incorrect project type and some missing frameworks. This is just something I need to learn about.

Today I used the PB17 while having a coffee in the Broadway food court to do some more "outside testing" and more Xcode project editing. When it was time to leave I shut the lid and put it back in the bag and went to see a movie. When I came home and opened the Powerbook all was fine. My partner switched to her user account and after a while I switched back to my acount. As the switch completed the machine locked up. I had to turn the computer off using the power button, and then on again to be able to use it. First time it crashed to this level that I can remember. Not good.

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