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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Friday: Quicksilver and forums.

7 May 2004

Yesterday I asked my provider, Digital Guru, about the possibility of setting up a forum for the site. In typical Digital Guru fashion I got a reply saying that some forums were added to the Digital Guru Forums for me to use with the Switch (B)log! Thanks David!

There are 2 forums, one is a general Mac forum where people can come to post hints, reviews, answers to other posters' questions and other Mac related discussion. The switch forum is for people to post their own switch stories.

Before you can post you will need to register, you can read-only without registration. There are also some other useful forums there with Linux information, and Digital Guru's UPS software.
Update: The forums have been closed.

I would like to create a useful resource for people who are thinking of switching or have switched recently, and a method for Apple users to help new and potential switchers with "The Good Switch".


Today I tried Quicksilver some more. Yesterday I found it an interesting idea. today I find it an irresistable addition to MacOSX. I still have not got enough "stuff" on my user account and I am still not completely comfortable using Quicksilver, but I now activate it more than I thought I would.

Just this evening I activated Adobe Go Live Trial using Quicksilver. I pressed the Apple+Space combination and typed in "gol" and pressed Enter to run the application. Very Easy. It is very nice to not have to reach for the mouse (or move to the trackpad), move the cursor to where it should be and click.

You can also set a default for a set of characters, just wait for the list of matching items to appear and click in the little toggle circle to the left of the item's name. Adobe GoLive Trial is the default for "gol" and "pho" now always launches the Photoshop Trial.

Now I just need to buy the Adobe Creative Suite to get rid of the "trial" part of the applications, only two weeks left!

I have Quicksilver set to appear in the menu bar at the top of the screen, you can set it to appear as a bezel (like the volume up/down displays), or as a window in normal or mini size.

Quicksilver in the menu bar.

Quicksilver as a bezel (large).

Quicksilver as a window (large).

To see some of the real cool power of Quicksilver have a look at the screenshot below where I tell Quicksilver to open a file called list.html (which is part of this site) using GoLive. The process for this was: "Apple+Space l i s t Space g o l Enter", I activated Quicksilver, typed "list" followded by a Space (which means "Open With..."), then typed "gol" and pressed Enter! Quick and easy.

Using Quicksilver to open a file with GoLive. (large).

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