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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Sunday: "People's Computer".

23 May 2004

During my excessively busy week (suddenly announced deadline!) I took the Mac to work to show it to one of my colleagues. After explaining how it works, and how anything I plug into it "just works", his comment was "Oh, it's a computer for people.". No exclamation, just a real matter-of-fact statement. He was right, it is a computer for people. No tech-head family member required to install drivers for a printer or scanner, no strange registry to stuff up, just elegant simplicity.

Bluetooth Phones.

My Girlfriend is getting a new mobile phone, the old one is dying. I took the SIM card from her old phone, inserted it into my Bluetooth capable phone and then tried to see if I could get the numbers onto the Mac.

Small screenshot of the Bluetooth menu.

Bluetooth menu(large).

First I used the "Set up Bluetooth Device" option on the menu from the Bluetooth status icon in the menu bar. Which proceeded to take me through a few windows to setup the phone. I had actually done this previously to use the phone as a dialup modem and also to setup the Logitech MX900 mouse.

Small screenshot of mobile device setup.

Found a mobile (large).

I then started iSync, added another device (the phone), pressed  the "Sync Now" button and the addresses and phone numbers appeared in my Address Book. The whole process was very simple. The only stumbling block was that I first tried to use the Address Book application to get the data from the phone, and only after that was unsuccessfull I looked for iSync.

Small screenshot of iSync.

iSync (large).

Obviously my Girlfriend's new phone will have Bluetooth.

most recent

May 2004

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Other Months

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