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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Day 4, Tuesday: Help helps.

13 April 2004

Today I put the Powerbook in my backpack together with my Thinkpad T40p. I bought an STM Powerbook sleeve (wetsuit-like material) to protect the outside, I didn't think the Apple packaging (thin foam) was good enough! ;) They did not have keyboard/screen protectors in stock, this is something I think the Powerbook needs since it is quite easy to "squash" the Powerbook making the keyboard touch the screen, and I've seen such scuff-marks on my T20, not pretty. I'll have to place an order for "Wildeepz" and "ScreenSavRz" from www.radtech.us.

The Powerbook combined with my Thinkpad make for quite some weight!

Sometimes when the Powerbook gets hot a loud fan turns on. This is not quite annoying, but is certainly noticable. It seems this happens mainly when the laptop is on a lap or on something soft. I've only heard it on a desk after running an UT2004 benchmark.

Haven't had any dropouts on the wireless internet yet, something that is quite normal on my T40p.

I've been happily working away now, without any other issues. When there are issues they are easily solved by MacOSX's Help.

If this continues it'll be a boring switch log, but it will mean that anyone is able to switch to Apple if they choose to do so.



  • Wireless link. The wireless on this laptop has not dropped out at all.
  • Help. It solved every issue I've encountered.


  • Squishy laptop. When the laptop is closed it is quite easy to squash the lid and base together, making it feel weak.
  • Loud fan. Occasionally a loud fan turns on, doesn't sound smooth.

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April 2004

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