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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Tuesday: More Xcode.

27 April 2004

I am still having issues with the mouse. There is a noticable acceleration lag when starting to move the mouse. It doesn't seem to be fixable with the settings in the Preferences panel. The mouse just feels sluggish, it needs too much movement to move quickly. This does not seem to be an issue when I am using the Trackpad, it is very responsive. I need to find a utility that can change that for me.

About Demos...

I have installed several demo applications on the Powerbook. Some applications operate very well. Adobe GoLive, for example, is a good example of how not to annoy your potential customer, there is just a pop-up window that appears when you start it that asks you to try or quit the application or go for more information. This window takes one click, a very small part of my time. BBEdit and TextWrangler ask for a registration key or a click of the demo button. When I press the demo button it shows another window whle it counts down a number of seconds, meanwhile the application is already up, I just can't use it. This is frustrating and will probably result in a no-sale. If a company wants me to buy an application and then makes it frustrating for me to start it during the demo period, the I will not use, and will not learn to like it, I will not give it a chance. All I wanted to do originally was to quickly edit a text file. So, I just fall back on TextEdit or SubEthaEdit or another application that starts quickly and lets me do what I need.

Sorry to rant. This is not an Apple problem, it's a problem with the whole software industry across all platforms.

Using the Powerbook to edit and upload my site updates tonight. GoLive still shows the problem where the cursor disappears when deleting in Layout. The cursor disappears and when you let go of the delete key much more is gone than intended. I really hope this issue does not exist in the retail version. The problem only exists with the delete key in Layout, no other key or editing view show this problem, neither does the Windows version of the GoLive demo.
There is also another difference between the Windows and Mac versions, The Mac version shows the correct font size and typeface in the Layout editor as well as preview.

Once again I was amazed at the ease of use of Cyberduck, just connect to my host and drop files where I want them.

That's it! I now really need to do some programming with Xcode to see how good it is compared to, for example, Visual C++.NET, considering that Visual C++.NET (v7) is the IDE King, this should be interesting!


One thing I did try today, after I used it again in Visual C, is to comment a block of code automatically. In VisualC I just press a button on the toolbar to comment, and another to uncomment a block of selected code. In Xcode I can press Apple+/ to toggle commenting or uncommenting a block of selected code. This makes a lot of sense, ure the same key I would normally use to comment code (/), but use it with a modifier (Apple), and my hand never leaves the keyboard. I have to admit I haven't been bothered having to move the mouse to the toolbar in VisualC and I haven't found a keyboard shortcut, but the Xcode method is very logical, and quick!

I also had a look at the Class Browser in Xcode. This is an absolute killer feature. Click on a member function or class in a source file and select to view in Class Viewer from the View menu.

Xcode's Class Viewer showing the
class hierarchy to the left (large).

The Class Viewer shows you a hierarchy of all classes in the system, in your project, or flat in the left pane of the window. Your class' code or the code for one of the other classes is shown in the editor pane. The Class Viewer lets you see exactly what classes are derived from.

Xcode's Class Viewer showing the
class hierarchy to the left, with a class'
help document in the editor area (large).

If you click on the book icon to the left of a class in the class tree you will see the help/information page for that class. In VisualC you press F1 on any class, or variable, to get it's help page. You can also see class hierarchies in VisualC using the help system, but the Xcode method is great, you get an instant view of how everything fits together.

When you double click on an item int the list of class members and data mambers it takes you to an editor window with the header file, not the implementation file. This means that when you want to edit a member function of your class you still need to switch to the implementation file and select the function from the function drop-down list in the editor window.

One thing to keep in mind when using Xcode is that it can take some time the first time a project is opened, the IDE indexes the project. This can be turned off in the preferences panel. My guess is that it's another way of building browse information for a project.

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