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Jeroen's ongoing switch blog.

My experiences with a Powerbook 17" and 15" and comparisons with two IBM Thinkpads, a T40p and an A31.

Comparing 2 Powerbooks with 2 Thinkpads: "Powerbook vs. Thinkpad speed testing".

For the first week experiences: "First week of the switch".

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Monday: Editors.

26 April 2004

If you have been reading previous entries, you will remember my quest for various applications. The most important is possibly a text editor. I've tried a few for a very short time now, and they all have good points and bad points.

I had short periods with SubEthaEdit, TextWrangler, BBEdit and Xcode's editor.

I need C, C++, Java, XML and HTML syntax highlighting and the ability to drop files of these types onto the application or the Dock icon. I would like to also have a tabbed interface and a column select mode.

Of the four editors I had a quick look at, all highlight C, C++ and Java syntax. The only editor that did not highlight XML and HTML syntax was TextWrangler.

Only the Bare Bones Software editors (BBEdit and TextWrangler) allowed column selecting.

Xcode's built-in editor has a tab-like interface, where the open files are in a drop-down list instead of actual tabs. SubEthaEdit, BBEdit and Textwrangler do not offer tabbed interfaces.

Networking still is not working correctly. The Powerbook can talk to the Thinkpad, and vice-versa, but sometimes when I use the Powerbook to copy files to the Thinkpad I can't open the files using the Thinkpad. they are corrupted somehow, or not finished even though MacOSX thinks they're finished. Occasionally the Finder will also lock up when copying files to Windows. I do not have this problem when copying files from the Thinkpad to the Powerbook, this works everytime.

Update: Since the latest TextWrangler now supports HTML and XML highlighting and is also free, it has taken the top editor spot.

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